TenzorGEO possesses the hardware, software, expertise and manpower to deploy its respective fleet of sensors both offshore and onshore.
Monitoring is performed exclusively from the surface by three-component broadband seismometers, as only observations from the surface can reliably estimate the seismic moment tensor of each localised event. When the area of investigation is large, it is divided into local monitoring blocks, with an overlap between them.
The inland field data acquisitions campaigns can be performed on any terrain because the hermetically sealed 3C sensors can be carried by either light-weight 4×4s, snowmobiles or even on foot. The autonomous nature and compact size of the sensors make it possible to deploy them in impassable or restricted conservation areas.
Offshore deployments can be conducted using virtually any type of support vessel that deploys ocean bottom seismometers (OBS) by freefall. The OBSs used are designed to autonomously operate for up to 18 months in water depths of up to 6000 m and had previously been successfully deployed in global research. Each OBS instrument contains a broadband seismometer with a frequency range of 120 seconds to 200Hz. The hydrophone has a frequency range from 100 seconds up to 100 Hz, and the data logger has four channels and a sampling rate of up to 4000 samples per second.