Passive seismic technologies used by TenzorGEO have originated from the studies done by a group of scientists interested in developing commercial applications of microseismic technology in the oil and gas industry. Similar technologies have emerged in Switzerland, USA and India.
Although the oil and gas industry has always been the main driver in the evolution of passive seismic technology, the mining sector also paid attention to the benefits of its application. This was particularly the case after the introduction of Full Waveform Location technology (FWL), which was used on several mining projects to identify active faults.
Over the last five years, the new Carbon Capture and Storage industry has also began showing interest in the passive seismic. Although different in nature, CCS utilises the same or similar reservoirs as oil and gas industry, whilst CO2 itself has physical qualities similar to hydrocarbons from the passive seismic prospective. Following Prof. Birialtsev’s spirit of innovation, TenzorGEO is once again pioneering a new application for LFS and FWL technology to deliver an effective Measurement, Monitoring and Verification method (MMV) for the Carbon Capture and Storage sector.